

We are pleased to offer the following enrichment opportunities:

STUDIO13  The ART of acceleration

Crozet Speech & Learning Center is pleased to partner with Jane Webb of Studio13 offering engaging academic courses for the middle school student. Call our office or email Jane to sign up.

The Bard of Avon and the Art of Theatre

Students meet the Bard, William Shakespeare, learn of his era, and read one of his most delightful comedies, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Along the way, scholars realize that Shakespeare is fun!

A Writer's Voice and the Art of Revising

This class is for the writer who loves the challenge of rigorous instruction and recognizes the first draft is not the best draft.

Imagination Unleashed and the Art of Poetry

In this course, students read and create free verse poetry to discover how precise selection and arrangement of words create profound images and stories. The real goal? To play with words!

Page Paint and the Art of Journaling

Become a page-painter spilling ideas, stories, and occasionally, paint across the page as the journal invites the writer to, as author Susan Cain prescribes, “capture solo flights of thought.”

An Author’s Thread and The Art of Bookbinding

An idea ignites a storyline and sentences fill the page. Revisions and edits refine the product and illustrations decorate the page. Most writers stop there, yet there is another step – binding the pages to a cover. Want to learn how?

Young women Athletes


Young Women Athletes

Offered through Virginia Family Therapy, Young Women Athletes is designed to meet the physical and mental health needs of 8th-12th grade girls.

Crozet Conditioning Group

Tuesday and Thursday, 7:45-8:45 AM

With Megan Kauffmann at Crozet Speech and Learning Center. To enroll, call 434 202 4080 or email [email protected]