Reading/Writing Tutoring
Reading/Writing Tutoring
Reading is fundamental and vital to the success of an independent learner. However, for some children, reading is a struggle or an area where they may lack confidence. It is important to address these concerns as soon as possible. A Reading Specialist can work with a child on reading skills, concepts, and strategies. A confident reader will experience success in other subjects, as well, and grow to be a lifelong learner.
Learning to read is a process. At the Crozet Speech and Learning Center, we use a comprehensive reading program that is based on how we learn sounds. It is an easy program for students to use and helps them to feel confident in making the leap from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’.

So many factors go into learning to read. Generally, there are five components that are considered the building blocks for reading: phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
- Phonics is the connection between sounds and letters. English uses letters as symbols to represent speech sounds called phonemes. Learning the symbol and sound relationship helps the reader to recognize unfamiliar words. Phonic instruction is both useful and necessary in learning to read and comprehending the text.
- Phonemic Awareness is closely related to phonics but enables the reader to begin to put meaning to the sound. For example, when readers can identify the phoneme /b/ they can read bat or ball and then band. Children start to develop phonemic awareness early as they hear conversations or are read to.
- Vocabulary is important to the enjoyment and comprehension of text for all genres and reading levels. Readers often become frustrated when they come across words that they do not know, especially after the 3rd grade. However, with instruction in word meaning, context clues, and word study (prefixes, suffixes, root words), they can become confident readers. It is also important to remember that readers gain a stronger vocabulary by listening to others who have a varied vocabulary.
- Fluency is the ability to read with accuracy, speed and expression. It requires a reader to combine several reading skills during oral and silent reading. Fluency is important in seeing the ‘big picture’ of the text as the reader moves through the story. It is also important for a reader to know how to adjust the fluency depending on the genre and content. For example, children may want to read at a slower pace when reading about tigers, but may want to increase their speed if reading an adventure fiction story.
- Reading Comprehension is an understanding of the text and requires all of the reading skills to work together. Readers construct meaning and understanding as they read. Skills such as predicting, questioning, inferencing (reading between the lines), and making connections to previously read text and their own life experiences improve a reader’s ability to comprehend. Writing a response to what they have read is another important component in comprehension.
Now more than ever, it is important to be able to express our thoughts and ideas through the written word. Advancement in technology requires excellent writing skills that convey clarity and meaning. Writing aids in the organization and communication of thoughts and ideas and can lead to success in many areas of life. The writing process requires patience regardless of the genre. It is important to learn and practice this process through information gathering, reflecting, drafting, and revising.
Writing instruction can include one or all of the following types of writing:
- Narrative writing is storytelling and includes storytelling elements such as plot, conflict, rising action, falling action and resolution. The power of a story cannot be underestimated and can be a creative and fun way to express oneself. Personal narratives are also considered narratives, because while they are nonfiction, they are written using fiction techniques.
- Persuasive writing intends to convince the audience of a belief or idea or call them to action. Many techniques are used in persuasive writing such as anecdotes, emotive words, convincing evidence, and particular sentence structure that compels the reader to agree with the reader.
- Expository writing tries to explain or ‘expose’ a topic. It is used for magazine articles, reports, textbooks and essays. Expository writing may require some research and confirmation of facts.
- Analytical writing is used to critically look at a specific topic or point. The writer uses details to discuss a point in depth and from all sides. Analytical writing is at the core of a student’s academic studies and is used in all disciplines.
- Study Skills (for all grade levels)
- College Essays
- Writing Classes
Throughout the year, we offer writing classes to students in the 4th-5th grade and middle school. Each class is five weeks and focuses on a different genre such as narrative, expository, analytical, and persuasive writing. Poetry will also be included as it is an excellent way to allow for creative thinking and the study of figurative language. Using their own work, and the works of other writers, students will learn how to revise their work by analyzing content, word usage, grammar and sentence structure.