Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy

From the correct production of speech sounds to language based training, our therapists create custom treatment plans for each child involving family members, caregivers and teachers. Our team offers one on one sessions and group opportunities to help your child make consistent progress and develop the confidence and skills for happy and successful communication.


Articulation – the way we say our speech sounds

Phonology – the speech patterns we use

Apraxia – difficulty planning and coordinating the movements needed to make speech sounds

Fluency – stuttering

Voice – problems with the way the voice sounds, such as hoarseness


Receptive Language – difficulty understanding language

Expressive Language – difficulty using language

Pragmatic Language – social communication; the way we speak to each other


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Learning Disabilities

Auditory Processing

Down Syndrome

Cleft Palate

Deafness/Hearing Loss loss of hearing; therapy includes developing lip-reading, speech, and/or alternative communication systems

Oral-Motor Disorders – weak tongue and/or lip muscles
